Are you new to Propeller Anime and interested in joining? Awesome!
In order to join Propeller Anime, all you have to do is attend our meetings and events whenever you can. That's it! You are not required to attend every meeting, but we'd like it if you would! (It also helps if you dig anime and don't cause trouble at our meetings and events.)
Now you can sign up for our newsletter. Once or twice a month, we'll send out an e-mail to let you know what we have coming up and other fun things for anime fans in the area.
You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It also helps to check our website a couple times a month. We also have a schedule so that you can see when we get together!
We hope to see you at meetings and events. Not only will you see really cool anime, but you also have the chance to make new friends and have fun. We are pretty easy to talk to, so feel free to come to our meetings or events and say hello!