We're on the edge of 4th of July and all the Anime Expo! We have one of our core members Alison on to supply a lady's perspective an many topics, including our anime pet peeves!
Plus news about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, Ghost in the Shell coming out on BluRay, Manga Entertainment's existence, and CNN's take on Japan's new laws banning child pornography outside of manga and anime.
Also, Kent has started writing for Florida Geek Scene. Many articles to come depending on his busy schedule. But here is one he put up recently for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! We'll also be hosting many panels and events at Anime Festival Orlando at the end of this month! Be there!
Check out our past podcasts in our archive and subscribe to our RSS feed! If you like what we do, please hit the donate button the side of our webpage and send us what you can! Running Propeller Anime costs money every month and any amount is appreciated!
Music used: "Stand Proud" by Jin Hashimoto and "I'm Not the Breakman" by The Megas
Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and keep us in your Google+ circles!
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